Yesterday I started by rolling out 32 feet of Peel and Stick on the cement pad on the site next to ours and then cutting it into one 12 inch strip and two 6 inch strips. I took the 12 inch wide strip up to the roof and put it down along the seam between the trailer and the porch. First I wiped the area down with mineral spirits. Then I rolled the long strip out and got it centered on the seam. I peeled the backing off a little at a time and pressed it down and once the sun heated it up it stick very well. I then worked on the seams on the porch roof covering them with the 6 inch wide strips. After that was done I got the calk gun and started calking around all the pieces I had put down. Then it was time to go for a swim but here are some pictures.
After going to the dentist for a cleaning (teeth and my bank account) I got back into the roof. I finished calking the around the last strip of Peel and Stick I had put down yesterday. The next step was to paint the roof with Elastomeric Coating. I got the trailer roof and the P&S strips all painted with a little more then 1 gallon so the 3 gallons I bought should be enough to finish the roof with 2 coats.