After going out to the canoe dock were George does most of his volunteer work, he is one of the guides for the canoe trips, we headed off to George’s trail (he says it's some other George but I have my doubts). On George’s Trail there is a place called George’s Perch were you get above the tree tops and have a great view of an Osprey nest. While I was taking some pictures of the nest with my 10x zoom, the male osprey came and perched on the top of a dead tree not 30 yards from us. He sat there for at least 5 minutes, I got some great shots, talk about being in the right place at the right time. On the way back to the visitor center we got a little lost and it took us awhile to find our way out, it is not all George’s fault, all though he was the leader of the group, the maps at the intersections were not very clear. We made it back to the visitor center with the whole group intact so the trip was a success. I had a very good time, thanks George.