Barbara and I are on our anniversary trip, yes it has been 35 years today. Yesterday we went to Winterthur ( We only took the tram ride around the gardens it was too hot to walk outside. After a short walk over to the Library were there was a display we had not seen we went back to the car and drove over to the Delaware Art Museum ( After eating lunch in the air conditioned car we went into the museum. We took the two tours that were available and after having the second docent keep asking what did we see in the art, we left the tour and just walked around by ourselves. One of the exhibits was of the art collected by Dorothy and Herbert Vogel ( I will not go into it here leave it to say they started collecting art in 1960 and had over 4000 pieces. The very interesting part of the story is that they lived in a small one bedroom apartment in New York City. Enough of my rambling here are some pictures.