Tuesday, September 14, 2010
My day at the hospital
Yesterday I had to go to Jersey Shore University Medical Center for a scheduled placement of a fourth stint. My cardiologist when I had my last heart attack had said that there was a 70% blockage that he had not done anything about. After the stress test, which seemed to confirm the blockage, he suggested that I get it taken care of so we scheduled me to have a cardiac catheterization done. Well Sunday night Ray Jr. came down and stayed overnight so he could drive us to the hospital in the morning and drive Barbara home that night, as I would be staying in the hospital overnight. After getting all prepped for the procedure the doctor came in and told us that seeing as I had drug coated stints already he would be putting in another drug coated stint to open the 70% blockage. They wheeled me into the Cath. Lab and I got myself onto the table then they got me all ready and called for the doctor (I was freezing even though they had blankets on my legs and my upper body, I just could not stop shivering). When the doc came in they gave me something to put me to sleep and the next thing I remember is waking up and having a nurse putting a wad of cotton where the incision was and holding it down for a few minutes. Then it was back onto the gurney for the trip to my room, or so I thought. Instead I was brought down to the outpatient recovery area were Barbara was waiting for me. The Doctor told her and she told me that he did not find any blockage so I would not be staying the night. The explanation the doctor gave Barbara was that maybe the artery had a spasm and that is why he thought it was blocked. This was the best results and well worth the loss of a day. We are all relieved that there are no more blockages and that all my stints are staying completely open. Around 5:30PM they let me get dressed and wheeled my out the door in a wheelchair were Ray Jr. was waiting for us. He drove us home and then after putting the garbage out he left and went home to Parsippany. He was wonderful all day and his help was very much appreciated. Well last night and all day today I got to lounge around the house and Barbara, my wonderful and loving wife, took extra good care of me. This evening after supper I took a shower and took the bandage off (just a wad of cotton covered with that sticky plastic stuff they use to cover IV needles) and saw the tiniest little cut. I also want to say that all of the hospital staff was kind and helpful throughout the whole day. Thank you to all my friends and family who kept me in their thoughts and prayers.