Yesterday I replaced the threshold with a new piece that matches the floor in the hallway and it looks much better. The baseboard was put back up with all the nail holes patched and painted. Then it was time to install the new baseboard heat unit. I made two holders to raise the heat above the baseboard so I did not have to try to hold the heat with one hand and try to screw it to the wall with the other hand, like I had in the past.
Today Barbara and I got out the new bedding. We changed the sheets and then because the bed skirt was so wrinkled Barbara got the ironing board and iron out (does not happen very often) and ironed the bed skirt and the curtains. We then put the bed together and hung the curtains and it looked great. I then held up two of the picture frames to get the placement right. I got out my laser level and carefully put the nails up into the wall for the frames. The four frames make up one whole picture. I took one of my pictures from Longwood Gardens and with Photoshop I cut it into 12 sections. I then sent the 12 sections to CostCo for printing. Look at the close up of the four frames and you will see the complete picture. After that we tried putting the club chair from the living room in the corner of the bedroom and it works. Barbara always wanted a comfortable chair in the bedroom and now we have one. We then decided we wanted more pictures frames that matched the ones over the bed so we had to make a trip to the Christmas Tree Shop, before they ran out of them. At the Christmas Tree Shop if you see something you like you have to buy it then or the next time you go it might not be there. We also got a new floor lamp for behind the club chair and red storage bins for the two shelf units on either side of the bed. The storage bins do not fit by a half inch. I am going to try to redo the shelf units so that the storage bins will fit. I have some white shelves that I should be able to cut down and use for the top and bottom and middle shelf cut to the right size for the new bins.
Things that still need to be done are to hang the mirror above the small cabinet we use for laundry, choose pictures to use in new frames and get them printed in the correct sizes and hang the rest of the pictures.
Here are some pictures.