Monday, May 17, 2010

Mother’s Day and Beyond

On Mother’s Day our Son Ray Came down for the day, and he brought dinner. He and I cooked scallops wrapped with duck bacon on skewers with onions and peppers also grilled asparagus and cuscus. Everything was ready on time and was delicious. Barbara loved it.

The rest of the week was uneventful. On Saturday Eileen and Larry came down from Florida, New York for a visit. They also came for the thrift sale put on by our community. They also came for the top part of our trundle bed for their grand daughter. We had a wonderful day with them. On Sunday our roof neighbors Doug and Stephanie invited us and our other neighbors Jack and Louise over for pizza. We shared a lot of stories and had a lot of laughs.

Today Barbara and I went on a short road trip to Montclair, New Jersey. First stop was The Presby Memorial Iris Garden ( I never saw so many irises in so many colors in my life. Along with other photographers there were some ladies drawing and painting, in water color, the irises. The iris beds cover maybe an acre of ground but it is very impressive. Here are about one third of the pictures I took while there.

Our second stop was Van Vleck House and Garden ( On our way to Van Vleck we stopped at a park we pasted and ate our picnic lunch Barbara had packed for us. At Van Vleck Gardens we saw a lot of Rhododendrons and Azaleas along with many other plants. We even saw a variety of Rhododendron that we had not seen before, it has smaller flowers but many more of them and they had not fully opened yet. I really liked finding a new variety. Enjoy the pictures.